Saturday, September 15, 2012

Liz Szabla: How to Keep an Editor Reading Beyond Chapter One

Liz Szabla is the Editor-in-Chief of Feiwel and Friends (a MacMillan imprint). Liz talked about what’s it like to read submissions as an editor. She said the key to a manuscript grabbing her attention is voice, character, and plot.

“VOICE is what will make your work memorable & keep readers engaged. Strong voices don’t always mean loud voices.”

Liz said quirky snarky characters without substance will not engage your reader (or an editor). Characters must have a reason in their life or background to be snarky.

“Plot focuses your story and brings order to your book. Plot doesn’t work when the story is predictable.”

Liz published the book CINDER by Marissa Meyer this year. She read the manuscript draft of in one evening and knew she wanted to acquire it.

1 comment:

  1. Learned so much from her workshop and from her first pages session.
